Spéos at Arles 2019: Spéos Photo Awards Screening-Voies Off
Spéos is official partner of the Voies Off festival of Arles since 1997. Spéos and Maison Niépce thus sponsor portfolio readings and the Nights of Projections to support emerging photographers from all over the world.
This year, the winners of the 2019 Spéos Photo Awards are doubly rewarded by:
- the projection of their photos during the Festival Nights on Thursday 4 July 2019 at 10pm,in the courtyard of the Archdiocese,
- the exhibition of their works from July 1st to 6th at L’Atelier, 7 rue de la Liberté 13200 Arles.
The laureates are divided into 3 distinct categories:
1. Céline Géraldine Luetolf
2. Awa Fijołek
3. Alice Perraut
Photo reportage
1. Amélie Churin
2. Alice Vasconcelos
3. Tim Aspert
Personal work
1. Ricardo Tokugawa
2. Romane Roux
3. Yichen Tu
The winners have been nominated by an exterior jury of photography professionals.
The awards were presented at the school annual exhibition.
Spéos would like to warmly thank Canon, Fuji, and Sony for awarding each of the first prizes, as well as Voies Off!
> Collective exhibition Spéos 2019 – Join the Facebook event
> Spéos Photo Awards Screening at Voies Off – Join the Facebook event